Beautiful living space with fireplace inside Imparfait Design Studio-designed Sheridan One space


Vintage fireplace in a living space with sleeping dog inside Imparfait Design Studio-designed Blackstone space
Hero shot of living and dining spaces inside Imparfait Design Studio-designed Bayside Court space
Projects Specific to Location Rebekah Zaveloff Projects Specific to Location Rebekah Zaveloff

Bringing a bit of “imparfaiT” home

To us, the “Imparfait” of Imparfait Design Studio represents character-driven design, spaces and objects with soul, layers and the patina of a life well lived. In grammatical terms, “imparfait” is the French imperfect tense used to describe an incomplete or ongoing action or state of being. Our homes are always in an evolving state of being, just like the people who live there.  

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